Current projects
Office buildings
Urban planning
Current projects, Selection, Housing
Current projects, Selection, Housing
Current projects, Selection, Office buildings
Current projects, Selection, Housing
Current projects, Selection, Housing
Current projects, Selection, Office buildings
Current projects, Selection, Office buildings
Selection, Urban planning, Housing
Urban planning, Housing
Selection, Housing
Current projects, Housing
Current projects, Selection, Office buildings, Hotels
Current projects, Selection, Housing
Conservation, Housing
Current projects, Selection, Office buildings
Selection, Conservation, Housing
Selection, Competitions
hochschule schauspielkunst ernst busch
Selection, Housing
Selection, Urban planning, Housing
Selection, Conservation
Selection, Office buildings
Selection, Competitions, Housing
Competitions, Housing
Wohnen in Monroe Park
Selection, Hotels
Boarding House Rosa-Luxemburg-Str Berlin
Office buildings
„Il Punto Ristorante" Berlin
Office buildings, Competitions
Container Terminal Bremerhaven
Office buildings
Betriebsgebäude Eurogate Hamburg
Selection, Conservation, Leisure
Urban planning
Shanghai Yachting Club
Office buildings, Conservation
Geschaeftshaus Luisenstr Berlin
Office buildings
Office buildings
Fleischgroßmarkt Hamburg
Selection, Office buildings
Hochhaus Spreedreieck
Selection, Office buildings
Office buildings, Hotels
Hotel- und Bürogebäude Warnowufer
Office buildings, Conservation
Ehemalige Brauerei Rosenthaler Str. 51
Urban planning, Competitions
Mc Nair Kaserne Berlin
Urban planning, Housing
Office buildings, Conservation
Selection, Housing
Conservation, Housing

At the BER Airport Area in Berlin-Schönefeld the construction of a commercial-campus for the settlement of innovative tech, financial and hotel companies is planned. Projects are completed according to individual requirements of future users. 


Client: TAMAX Unternehmensgruppe
BGF: up to 70.000 qm

in planning

Office complex Schönefeld Tower

At the BER Airport Area in Berlin-Schönefeld the construction of a commercial-campus for the settlement of innovative tech, financial and hotel companies is planned. Projects are completed according to individual requirements of future users.